Monday 9 August 2010

Rebar Interview

Filmed Wren in conversation with Matt Passmore, one of three Principals at Rebar (along with John Bela and Blaine), at Rebar's office at 3330 20th Street in San Francisco.

Covered Rebar's latest project: Street Life (under construction in the workshop below Rebar's design loft and due to be unveiled August 18th in Visitation Valley, San Francisco), as well as its earliest: Cabinetlandia (in the middle of nowhere New Mexico).

Interesting commentary on the coincident appearance in the US of early environmentalism and monumental land art in the 60's -- which does NOT necessarily mean the latter had any kind of environmental conscience.


Itinerary notes: interviewed 11-noon, shopped for supplies, loaded car, dept Haight 14.50, scenic HWY 1 along Pt Reyes to Bodega (brief stop on Stinson Beach), cut inland to HWY 101 at Santa Rosa (dinner at PE), straight shot north to Hopland.

Gates were still open at the Solar Living Institute tho' officially it was closed for the day. Came upon a group trying to erect a straw bale arch while their mates sipped beer 'round a table (the staff and interns). Asked if we could camp on the grounds and got permission. Night was falling as we discovered A&T's tent would in fact fit the three of us comfortably. Strolled the grounds (gribbet spoosh! go the frogs as they escape into the lily pad pond) and admired the oh-so-many-stars overhead. Tested the bike-generators (the lightbulbs attached DO light up, at least on some), and marveled at the solar cooker (like a satellite dish, just reflective silver on the inside to heat the grill attached across the face of the dish, from underneath).

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Cabinetlandia sounds interesting - if you'd said middle of nowhere Sweden (or Croydon!) I would have guessed you were at an Ikea!

    It sounds like you are packing a lot in, if day one is any indication! Looking forward to seeing photos and hearing more.

    Beep beep!

